Bank Loans Archive
Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR)

Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR) is a temporary measure announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to absorb surplus liquidity from the Indian banking system. This reserve is in addition to the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) for MSMEs-Lenders guaranteed by NCGTC

Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) is the loan extended to eligible MSMEs/ Business Enterprises being 20 per cent of the loan outstanding as on February 29,2020. The Finance Minister had announced a collateral free, guaranteed credit scheme
Why are banks hesitant to lend to MSE sector with CGTMSE coverage?

MSME sector (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector) plays a crucial role in improving Gross Domestic Product (GDP), creation of employment opportunities and export growth in India. The sector contributes around 30% of GDP, 40% of exports
CGTMSE Coverage for Micro and Small Enterprises

CGTMSE coverage for Micro and Small Enterprises is an initiative of the Government of India and SIDBI to ensure bank credit to Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) without the insistence for collateral securities or third party guarantees.
21 May 20
CategoryBanking Products & Schemes, Banking Terms - Loans, Everything About
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Revised MSME Classification norms & Stimulus package

To boost MSME sector, the government has decided to amend MSMED act 2006 to revise the MSME classification norms. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 presently classifies manufacturing and service enterprises into three categories
Reduction in term deposit interest rates – Recent trends

Indian economy has been facing a slow down during major part of the calendar year 2019. The global slowdown arising out of China-US trade war, reduction in oil price, global economic slowdown etc have had its impact
14 May 20
CategoryBank Loans- General, Fixed Deposit Interest Rate, Indian Economy
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General Lien and Particular Lien

Lien is defined as the right possessed by a person to retain or detain the goods or property belonging to another person for the non-fulfillment of an obligation by that other person. Two kinds of lien are
Title Deed and EM with Laminated Title Deed

Title deed is a deed constituting the evidence of a person’s legal ownership of an asset or property. Deed represents an instrument containing details of legal transfer, bargain or contract. The term title deed is normally used
Stamp Duty Goes Up For EM Letters in Kerala- Bank Loans Become Costly

EM letters (Equitable Mortgage Letters) started attracting stamp duty in the state of Kerala from April 1, 2019 making home loans and other loans secured by immovable property costlier. Stamp duty associated with home loans and other
Different Types of Mortgages-A Comparison

Mortgage is defined as transfer of interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan, an existing or future debt or the performance