Bank Loans- General Archive
Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) for MSMEs-Lenders guaranteed by NCGTC

Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) is the loan extended to eligible MSMEs/ Business Enterprises being 20 per cent of the loan outstanding as on February 29,2020. The Finance Minister had announced a collateral free, guaranteed credit scheme
Why are banks hesitant to lend to MSE sector with CGTMSE coverage?

MSME sector (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises sector) plays a crucial role in improving Gross Domestic Product (GDP), creation of employment opportunities and export growth in India. The sector contributes around 30% of GDP, 40% of exports
Reduction in term deposit interest rates – Recent trends

Indian economy has been facing a slow down during major part of the calendar year 2019. The global slowdown arising out of China-US trade war, reduction in oil price, global economic slowdown etc have had its impact
14 May 20
CategoryBank Loans- General, Fixed Deposit Interest Rate, Indian Economy
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Lending Rates- PLR, BPLR and BR- An Overview

The interest rate on lending was de-regulated by RBI in October 1994. This was as part of the financial sector reforms initiated in India in 1991. Since 1994, RBI has introduced various benchmarks and guidelines with regard
31 Mar 19
CategoryBank Loans- General, Banking Terms, Banking Terms - Loans, Quick Reference, Regulators & Institutions
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Lending Interest Rate and Challenges – RBI Vs Banks

Transmission of changes in policy interest rate announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to market and borrowers by reduction in lending interest rate has always been a bone of contention between RBI and Banks since
Security Interest Registration & CERSAI

The Central Registry of Securitization, Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India (CERSAI) is a Central Registration System set up under Chapter IV of the SARFAESI Act. It was incorporated with the intention of capturing details of
Kerala State Government Employees Fresh Housing Loans under HBA Scheme

Kerala State Government Employees were entitled for Housing Loans under House Building Advance (HBA Scheme) till July 2018. Thereafter, the Government of Kerala directed the employees to approach scheduled commercial bank / NBFCs working in the state
CERSAI and Equitable Mortgage Registration

CERSAI – The Central Registry of Securitization, Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India – is a company set up under the provisions of SARFAESI Act, 2002. It was incorporated in March 2011 as a Section 25
Borrowing Against Mutual Fund Units

Borrowing against Mutual Fund investments is a quick avenue available for mutual fund investors to tide over short term financial crunches. Lenders extend finance against the value of units on which lien is marked in favour of