Bank Loans Archive
HBA Scheme of Kerala State- Loans Sanctioned from 2009-10

Kerala State Government Employees including government teachers were being sanctioned House Building Advance (HBA scheme) from 2009-10 with concessional rate of interest. Vide order FINANCE (HBA) DEPARTMENT G.O(P) No. 105/20 18/Fin Dated, 05.07.2018, Government of Kerala directed
CERSAI and Equitable Mortgage Registration

CERSAI – The Central Registry of Securitization, Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India – is a company set up under the provisions of SARFAESI Act, 2002. It was incorporated in March 2011 as a Section 25
Now Is the Right Time For Home Loan Borrowers-Ignore Interest Rate Directions

Borrowers, especially home loan borrowers, were glad to hear the reduction in repo rate from 6.5% to 6.25% announced by the Reserve Bank of India on February 6, 2019. The reduction in the benchmark rate came as
HBA scheme for Government Employees in Kerala shifted to Banks

Kerala State Government employees will have to approach scheduled commercial banks/ NBFCs functioning in the state to avail of House Building Advance (HBA scheme) hereafter. So far, the loans under House Building Advance at concessional rate of
Borrowing Against Mutual Fund Units

Borrowing against Mutual Fund investments is a quick avenue available for mutual fund investors to tide over short term financial crunches. Lenders extend finance against the value of units on which lien is marked in favour of
Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC) and its role in NPA management

Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC) is a financial institution that is in the business of buying Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) from banks and financial institutions and effecting settlement with borrower. Mounting non-performing assets has been a major challenge for
18 Public sector banks report losses of Rs. 56,970 Crore in Q4, 2018.

Balance sheets of public sector banks are bleeding in Q4, 2018. According to publically available data 18 listed public sector banks have reported losses to the tune of Rs. 56,970 Cr during Q4 of FY 2017-18 as
Owning a House Is a Celebration- Purposes For Which Housing Loans Are Sanctioned

Why Housing Loans are important? Shelter is one of the three basic needs of life, the other two being food and clothing. With the population explosion and migration of unemployed people from rural areas to industrial areas
Stipulations To Be Satisfied For Housing Loans

Housing loan market is a highly competitive field. Each Bank/ Financial institution stipulate their rules based on the targeted group and also based on the past records of defaults. Normally conditions stipulated vary from Bank to Bank.