e-Rupee (e₹)- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) of India

E-Rupee is the digital rupee launched by the Reserve Bank of India. The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) of India is represented by the symbol e₹-R. The digital currency, will supplement physical currency and will be
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is digital token issued by the central bank of a country. CBDC is the digital form of physical currency. Since issued by the central bank itself, CBDCs too are legal tenders.
Freezing/ Lien Marking of Accounts by Banks-Complaints Registered in NCCRP

Account freezing/lien marking by banks based on the directions, issued by the LEAs on complaints in NCCRP has become controversial in Kerala. This article analyses various aspects of the matter.
National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCCRP) and Digital Banking

National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCCRP) is a web portal facilitating Indian citizens to report cyber crimes. The portal has provisions for reporting various types of cyber crimes falling under two categories, (a) crimes against children and women and
Positive Pay System for CTS and Banks

Positive Pay System for Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is the concept muted by Reserve Bank of India, banking regulator, to make cheque based transactions safer by minimising frauds. The plan to introduce Positive Pay System for Cheque
FedSwagat–Digital appointment booking channel to visit Federal Bank

FedSwagat is an innovative appointment booking channel launched for visitors by the Federal Bank Ltd. The bank, which is one of the major commercial sector banks in India, has always been in the forefront in adopting technology,
21 Jun 20
CategoryBanking News, Banking Products & Schemes, Digital Banking Awareness
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M-POS (Mobile Point of Sale) & Digital Banking

M-POS or Mobile Point-Of-Sale terminal is a smartphone or tablet equipped with an application/ software provided by a vendor to convert it as a POS terminal. A dedicated wireless device that performs the functions of a cash
19 May 20
CategoryBanking Awareness, Digital Banking Products, Everything About
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Types of Point Of Sale (POS)Terminals

Point Of Sales terminals (POS Terminals) have played a key role in promoting payment card based transactions in India thereby catalysing migration to digital channel payments and digital banking. Today, all banks in India promote transaction through
POS Terminal (Point Of Sale Terminal)

POS Terminal (Point Of Sale terminal) was conceived as an automated version of cash register. POS terminals have undergone a tremendous transformation thereby becoming an integral part of digital payment channels and digital banking. Today, POS terminals
Cash withdrawal facility at POS terminals

Cash withdrawal facility at POS terminals (Point-of-Sale terminals) was introduced in India by RBI in 2009, but failed to gain acceptance among public in India. However, the facility is gradually gaining popularity among the public as general