Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR)

Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR) is a temporary measure announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to absorb surplus liquidity from the Indian banking system. This reserve is in addition to the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
Deposit Insurance for Bank Deposits- DICGC and Banks

Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) offers insurance protection for deposits up to Rs. 5,00,000 held in same ownership/right in each bank. Deposits in same capacity held in different branches of same bank or different
24 Jul 23
CategoryBanking Awareness, Everything About, Regulators & Institutions
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HDFC Bank among top 10 banks in terms of Market Capitalization

HDFC Bank formed after the merger of HDFC Ltd with HDFC Bank is the 7th largest global lender in terms of Market Capitalization. In India, ICICI and SBI ranks next to HDFC Bank.
Freezing/ Lien Marking of Accounts by Banks-Complaints Registered in NCCRP

Account freezing/lien marking by banks based on the directions, issued by the LEAs on complaints in NCCRP has become controversial in Kerala. This article analyses various aspects of the matter.
Positive Pay System for CTS and Banks

Positive Pay System for Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is the concept muted by Reserve Bank of India, banking regulator, to make cheque based transactions safer by minimising frauds. The plan to introduce Positive Pay System for Cheque
Delisting Plan of Vedanta Ltd- Update

Vedanta Ltd’s announcement of delisting plan of equity shares continues to grab the attention of entire Indian equity investors, apart from its own share holders. Initially it was on account of the low offer price decided by
Vodafone Vs IT Department-HEL Acquisition

The ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration based in Hague, in Vodafone Vs Income Tax (IT) Department (India) dispute on the demand of withholding tax on the acquisition of Hutch Essar Ltd, is in favour of
Vodafone Vs IT Department Tax Dispute-Timelines

Vodafone Group PLC is now relieved to a great extent. The ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration based in Hague, supports the company’s stance that there was no tax liability on its part in the acquisition
FedSwagat–Digital appointment booking channel to visit Federal Bank

FedSwagat is an innovative appointment booking channel launched for visitors by the Federal Bank Ltd. The bank, which is one of the major commercial sector banks in India, has always been in the forefront in adopting technology,
21 Jun 20
CategoryBanking News, Banking Products & Schemes, Digital Banking Awareness
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Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) for MSMEs-Lenders guaranteed by NCGTC

Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) is the loan extended to eligible MSMEs/ Business Enterprises being 20 per cent of the loan outstanding as on February 29,2020. The Finance Minister had announced a collateral free, guaranteed credit scheme