Banking Awareness Archive
Quantitative and Qualitative Credit Control methods

Monetary policy aims to achieve accelerated growth with price stability. Implementation of monetary policy is one of the major roles of central banks. The central banks world over achieve these objectives through two types of credit controls
Monetary Policy and Its Major Objectives

Monetary Policy Monetary Policy is the process through which monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money and liquidity in the economy by exercising its control over interest rates. Monetary authority is normally the central
Back Series GDP data prior to 2011-12

Government of India adopted a new method for calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in 2015.The base year for calculation of GDP was revised from earlier 2004-05 to 2011-12. This created a practical problem of comparing
Roles and responsibilities of RBI

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is constituted as the apex institution of Indian monetary system and financial system. RBI is responsible for implementation of monetary policy to control and ensure stability of the monetary and banking system.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the apex institution of Indian monetary system and financial system. Being the central bank of the country, RBI is the institution that control and stabilize the monetary and banking system. Evolution
Types of Complaints To Banking Ombudsman

Banking ombudsman scheme is a fast and low cost forum for quick resolution of customer grievances relating to deficiency in certain banking services. What are the complaints that can be filed with banking Ombudsman? Any person aggrieved
Banking Ombudsman Scheme of RBI

Banking ombudsman scheme is an efficient, low cost and fast customer grievance forum for bank customers in India. The Banking ombudsman scheme was introduced in India by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1995 under the powers
Payment Cards in Digital Banking

A payment card is normally a plastic card that allows the holder to make an electronic payment. It has played a crucial role in the advancement of digital banking. Debit card, credit card, ATM card, prepaid card,
Digital Public Credit Registry (PCR) in India – An overview

Public Credit Registry (PCR) was indicated as a prerequisite by Reserve bank of India (RBI) for moving towards equitable and timely access to credit. PCR was muted as a giant step towards formalizing credit in India. RBI
Initiative Q- Digital Banking Payment System in the Making

Initiative Q is a new payment system in the making. It has become a new buzzbord in financial sector. Initiative Q is in the early stages of establishment and the promoters expect to absorb and integrate the