Other Investments Archive
Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) for NRIs

Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) is a scheme that enables NRIs, PIOs and OCIs to purchase and sell shares and convertible debentures of Indian companies. The scheme is approved by the Reserve bank of India. NRIs and PIOs
Arbitrage Fund-Short Term Tax Efficient Investment

Arbitrage fund is a category of equity mutual fund that takes advantage of the price difference for shares in cash market and futures of same shares in derivative market. Derivative is a financial instrument that derives its
Fixed Deposit (FD)–Liquid Investment

Fixed deposit (FD) is one of the most popular investment options opted by majority of Indians. Fixed deposit with banks is the safest, simplest, flexible and most liquid investment option available. Bank is not the lone player
AvendusIndia ESG Fund- India’s First responsible investment fund

AvendusIndia ESG Fund has become the first ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Fund launched in India. Among the emerging Asia countries, India was the only country not having any ESG fund. The ESG fund is launched by
Environmental, Social and Governance Criteria or ESG Investing

ESG criteria is a fast emerging idea that influences the investment decisions of a socially conscious investor. ESG stands for Environmental, social and governance. ESG funds are portfolios of equities and/or bonds for which environmental, social and
REIT- Real Estate Investment Trust

Real Estate Investment Trust, REIT is an addition of recent origin to an investment portfolio. Real estate as an investment class has always been attracting both small and big investors. Investment in commercial reality is highly capital
Bitcoin – Recent Trends

Bitcoin has been attracting headline for sometimes now. There have been advocates and opponents for the bitcoin. The value of bitcoin has seen both fast upward moves and dangerous downfall, in the recent past. What is