Fixed Deposit Interest Rate Archive
Reduction in term deposit interest rates – Recent trends

Indian economy has been facing a slow down during major part of the calendar year 2019. The global slowdown arising out of China-US trade war, reduction in oil price, global economic slowdown etc have had its impact
14 May 20
CategoryBank Loans- General, Fixed Deposit Interest Rate, Indian Economy
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Emergency Fund – Recurring Deposits and Debt Mutual Funds

Emergency fund always come to fore whenever economic slowdown, market volatility and liquidity crunch occurs. Bank recurring deposits and debt mutual funds are the best options for building up an emergency fund. What is an emergency fund?
20 Apr 20
CategoryFixed Deposit Interest Rate, Investment Guide, Mutual Fund, Quick Reference
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Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) for NRIs

Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) is a scheme that enables NRIs, PIOs and OCIs to purchase and sell shares and convertible debentures of Indian companies. The scheme is approved by the Reserve bank of India. NRIs and PIOs
Comparison of Interest Rate on Domestic Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposit (Term Deposit) is the most famous investment instrument among Indian investors. Comparison of interest rates on domestic fixed deposits offered by major banks in India is provided in the list. Banks in India have been
Term Deposit (Fixed Deposit) & Interest

Term deposits are well known for the safety, liquidity and flexibility. Term deposit also known as fixed deposit allows a customer to lock in his deposit for a specific period at the interest rate prevailing at the
Fixed Deposit (FD)–Liquid Investment

Fixed deposit (FD) is one of the most popular investment options opted by majority of Indians. Fixed deposit with banks is the safest, simplest, flexible and most liquid investment option available. Bank is not the lone player