Kotak Banking and PSU Debt Fund as Emergency Fund

Kotak Banking and PSU Debt Fund, is a good debt mutual fund that can be preferred by an investor to create the emergency fund. An emergency fund is the savings set aside to cover unanticipated financial emergencies
Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) for NRIs

Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) is a scheme that enables NRIs, PIOs and OCIs to purchase and sell shares and convertible debentures of Indian companies. The scheme is approved by the Reserve bank of India. NRIs and PIOs
NRI, PIO, OCI,OCB, FI, FDI and FPI – Definitions

An investment advisor or a inexperienced NRI often faces difficulty while advising and taking investment decisions. NRI, PIO, OCI, OCB, FI, FDI and FPI are certain terms that often create confusion in the minds of investors and
Arbitrage Fund-Short Term Tax Efficient Investment

Arbitrage fund is a category of equity mutual fund that takes advantage of the price difference for shares in cash market and futures of same shares in derivative market. Derivative is a financial instrument that derives its
Comparison of Interest Rate on Domestic Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposit (Term Deposit) is the most famous investment instrument among Indian investors. Comparison of interest rates on domestic fixed deposits offered by major banks in India is provided in the list. Banks in India have been
Term Deposit (Fixed Deposit) & Interest

Term deposits are well known for the safety, liquidity and flexibility. Term deposit also known as fixed deposit allows a customer to lock in his deposit for a specific period at the interest rate prevailing at the
Fixed Deposit (FD)–Liquid Investment

Fixed deposit (FD) is one of the most popular investment options opted by majority of Indians. Fixed deposit with banks is the safest, simplest, flexible and most liquid investment option available. Bank is not the lone player
Cyber Risks, Cyber Insurance And Banks

Cyber risk and cyber insurance are byproducts of advancement in technology and digital banking. In recent times, dependency on technology has gone up and as a result data and information have become the most valuable assets. Unscrupulous
Dependency on SIP for wealth creation

Mutual Fund investment has evolved as one of the most favoured instrument among Indian investors. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) has played a crucial role in making mutual funds popular. SIP is a method of investing a fixed sum
7 Reasons That Make Mutual Fund a Good Investment Option

The purpose of any investment is reinforcing financial independence. To ensure it , the investment instrument should exhibit essential features like easiness in investment, multiple options for investments, inflation beating return, easy liquidity, transparency in end use