REIT- Real Estate Investment Trust

Real Estate Investment Trust, REIT is an addition of recent origin to an investment portfolio. Real estate as an investment class has always been attracting both small and big investors. Investment in commercial reality is highly capital
SEBI Revises Bid Size by HNIs to 50% of IPO

Some of the recent IPOs had witnessed huge oversubscription by High Net worth Individuals (HNIs) in the segment reserved for them. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Apollo Micro Systems in January 2018 received 963 times subscription
FMP: A Good Investment in the Present Interest Rate Scenario

Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) is one of the most sought after debt mutual fund schemes. Debt mutual funds are ideal investment option for investors with low risk appetite. FMPs are similar to term deposits offered by banks.
National Pension System (NPS)- Scheme Features

National Pension System (NPS) is a pension cum investment scheme promoted by the Government of India to ensure retirement income to its citizens. NPS was launched on January 1, 2004 with the main objective of providing old
Morgan Stanley’s List of Ten Disruptions for Indian Equity Investors

Morgan Stanley says that ten highly relevant disruption themes are awaiting Indian equity investors in the coming decade. These themes are positive for those who are ready to embrace change. According to Morgan Stanley, all relevant disruptions
IRDAI to migrate to Risk Based Supervision of Insurers

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has announced its plan to move from Compliance Based Approach to Risk Based Supervisory (RBS) framework of insurance entities. Compared to compliance based approach, risk based supervision will enable
Borrowing Against Mutual Fund Units

Borrowing against Mutual Fund investments is a quick avenue available for mutual fund investors to tide over short term financial crunches. Lenders extend finance against the value of units on which lien is marked in favour of
Total Expense Ratio (TER) and Mutual Fund Investment

All mutual fund investors must be receiving e-mails from mutual fund houses on Total Expense Ratios (TER). The details are being furnished by the fund houses as directed by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Fund of Funds (FoF) Schemes- Features and Characteristics

A Fund of Funds (FoF) scheme invests the investible amount in different mutual fund schemes, instead of individual shares or bonds to ensure better diversification. An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a mutual fund scheme units of
Financial Planning for New Parents

New parents have a lot of important choices to make in their lives, now that they are a growing family. The most important of these choices is the economic direction that the new family will take. As