Quick Reference Archive
Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR)

Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio (I-CRR) is a temporary measure announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to absorb surplus liquidity from the Indian banking system. This reserve is in addition to the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
e-Rupee (e₹)- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) of India

E-Rupee is the digital rupee launched by the Reserve Bank of India. The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) of India is represented by the symbol e₹-R. The digital currency, will supplement physical currency and will be
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is digital token issued by the central bank of a country. CBDC is the digital form of physical currency. Since issued by the central bank itself, CBDCs too are legal tenders.
Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and India

The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) focuses on enforcing a uniform legal framework on personal matters for all citizens of the country irrespective of their faith.
Which countries have adopted the Uniform Civil Code (UCC)?

The Uniform Civil Code (UCC), a uniform legal framework governing personal matters is adopted only by few countries.
Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India – Advantages and Challenges

Uniform Civil Code (UCC) carries both advantages and challenges; gender parity and national integration are advantages the challenges emanates from sensitivity of the matter.
Progress towards the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India

Four events have influenced the journey of India towards the Uniform Civil Code, UCC. They are the Constitution of India, UCC in Goa, Sha Bano Case and the stance of Law Commission.
Delisting Plan of Vedanta Ltd- Update

Vedanta Ltd’s announcement of delisting plan of equity shares continues to grab the attention of entire Indian equity investors, apart from its own share holders. Initially it was on account of the low offer price decided by
Revised MSME Classification norms & Stimulus package

To boost MSME sector, the government has decided to amend MSMED act 2006 to revise the MSME classification norms. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 presently classifies manufacturing and service enterprises into three categories
Types of Point Of Sale (POS)Terminals

Point Of Sales terminals (POS Terminals) have played a key role in promoting payment card based transactions in India thereby catalysing migration to digital channel payments and digital banking. Today, all banks in India promote transaction through