Quick Reference Archive
Three Pillars Of Basel Accord And Global Financial Markets

Dependents among nations for various purposes have a long history though integration of global markets to the present position is of recent origin. As of now, the decision taken by one country has the potential to alter
Risk in Banks – An overview

According to scientists, universe emerged from a high-risk event popularly known as Bing Bang Theory. Probably for that reason, each activity in nature too is embedded with risk. But, over a period of time, plants and animals
Back Series GDP data prior to 2011-12

Government of India adopted a new method for calculation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in 2015.The base year for calculation of GDP was revised from earlier 2004-05 to 2011-12. This created a practical problem of comparing
Bank Rate (BR) or Discount Rate and Inflation

Bank rate (BR) is one of the most effective weapons employed by almost all central banks to control credit in the financial system. There is a direct relation between Bank Rate and Market Rate. It is widely
Inflation and Its Classification

Inflation refers to the situation where prices exhibit a continuously increasing trend. Inflation is defined as too much money chasing too few goods by Coulborn. Geofrfrey Crowther states that inflation is a state in which the value
Q4 2018 D&B CFO Optimism Index Drops

Q4 2018 optimism among CFOs of Indian companies is at the lowest since Q2, 2014, shows the D&B Composite CFO Optimism Index. This is revealed by the Q4 2018 Dun & Bradstreet Optimism Index report released last
Section 7 of RBI Act and Its Implications

Section 7 of RBI Act 1934 is a provision in that authorizes the Central government in India to issue directions to RBI. Section 7 of RBI Act came into limelight due to reports that the Central government
HBA scheme for Government Employees in Kerala shifted to Banks

Kerala State Government employees will have to approach scheduled commercial banks/ NBFCs functioning in the state to avail of House Building Advance (HBA scheme) hereafter. So far, the loans under House Building Advance at concessional rate of
FMP: A Good Investment in the Present Interest Rate Scenario

Fixed Maturity Plan (FMP) is one of the most sought after debt mutual fund schemes. Debt mutual funds are ideal investment option for investors with low risk appetite. FMPs are similar to term deposits offered by banks.
Currency War-Causes and Impacts

Currency war is all about nations deliberately devaluing their currency. Currency devaluation is different from currency depreciation. The term currency war came in to public attention in India, when Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Mr. Urjit