Investing – Emergency Fund and High Cost Debts

Investing is all about picking an asset capable of providing steady rewards according to the risk bearing capability of the investor. While saving is keeping aside a portion of earnings, investment is all about keeping a portion
Three Pillars Of Basel Accord And Global Financial Markets

Dependents among nations for various purposes have a long history though integration of global markets to the present position is of recent origin. As of now, the decision taken by one country has the potential to alter
Risk in Banks – An overview

According to scientists, universe emerged from a high-risk event popularly known as Bing Bang Theory. Probably for that reason, each activity in nature too is embedded with risk. But, over a period of time, plants and animals
Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) & NEFT

RTGS stands for Real Time Gross Settlement. It is a system for fund transfer where the settlements are taking place on real-time in a continuous manner. Transactions are settled individually on a transaction by transaction basis. 'Real
Features of PPIs:- Semi- closed, Open System, Gift and MTS

Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) can be broadly classified under three types; closed, semi-closed and open system PPIs. Features of PPIs vary based on the type of PPI. Cash withdrawal is permitted only in the case of
Cross Border Transactions and PPIs

PPI (Prepaid Payment Instrument) is permitted to be used for cross border transactions for permissible current account transactions. A Cross Border Transaction or International Transaction is a transaction relating to international trade between two or more entities
Prepaid Payment Instrument(PPI) and Digital Banking

Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) is basically a payment card. The purpose of PPI is facilitating cashless transactions and hence is an important component of digital banking. Prepaid Payment Instruments facilitate purchase of goods and services against the
Banking and Investment Terms- Beginning with ‘A’

Here is a list of banking and investment terms starting with letter A and often referred in connection with banking and investment activities. Absolute Title The perfect ownership a person has on a land. Absolute title confirms
Quantitative and Qualitative Credit Control methods

Monetary policy aims to achieve accelerated growth with price stability. Implementation of monetary policy is one of the major roles of central banks. The central banks world over achieve these objectives through two types of credit controls
Monetary Policy and Its Major Objectives

Monetary Policy Monetary Policy is the process through which monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money and liquidity in the economy by exercising its control over interest rates. Monetary authority is normally the central