REIT- Real Estate Investment Trust

Real Estate Investment Trust, REIT is an addition of recent origin to an investment portfolio. Real estate as an investment class has always been attracting both small and big investors. Investment in commercial reality is highly capital
MOPAD-Multi-Option Payment Acceptance Device

MOPAD or Multi-Option Payment Acceptance Device is a POS terminal launched recently by the State Bank of India (SBI). The MOPED is the latest addition to the digital banking initiative by the largest bank in India. On
IndusInd Bank Nexxt Push Button Credit Card

Push Button Credit Card is a new innovation in payment card technology introduced in India by IndusInd bank. The card is launched by the bank as the IndusInd Bank Nexxt Credit Card. This is the first interactive
Internal Ombudsman (IO) Scheme, 2018

Banks in India have been instructed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to appoint an Independent Internal Ombudsman (IO) under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme. As per the revised guidelines consolidated under Internal Ombudsman Scheme, 2018, all Scheduled
Q4 2018 D&B CFO Optimism Index Drops

Q4 2018 optimism among CFOs of Indian companies is at the lowest since Q2, 2014, shows the D&B Composite CFO Optimism Index. This is revealed by the Q4 2018 Dun & Bradstreet Optimism Index report released last
D&B Composite CFO Optimism Index

D&B CFO Composite Optimism Index is the result consolidated on the basis of a survey conducted among Chief Financial Officers (CFO) by Dun & Bradstreet. The D&B CFO Composite Optimism Index represents the expectations and feedbacks of
Types of Complaints To Banking Ombudsman

Banking ombudsman scheme is a fast and low cost forum for quick resolution of customer grievances relating to deficiency in certain banking services. What are the complaints that can be filed with banking Ombudsman? Any person aggrieved
Banking Ombudsman Scheme of RBI

Banking ombudsman scheme is an efficient, low cost and fast customer grievance forum for bank customers in India. The Banking ombudsman scheme was introduced in India by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1995 under the powers
Payment Cards in Digital Banking

A payment card is normally a plastic card that allows the holder to make an electronic payment. It has played a crucial role in the advancement of digital banking. Debit card, credit card, ATM card, prepaid card,
Section 7 of RBI Act and Its Implications

Section 7 of RBI Act 1934 is a provision in that authorizes the Central government in India to issue directions to RBI. Section 7 of RBI Act came into limelight due to reports that the Central government